Direct Marketing Commission - Enforcing Higher Industry Standards

Data & Marketing Commission | Enforcing Higher Industry Standards

Minutes – 24th February 2015

Minutes – 24th February 2015


of the



Tuesday 24th February 2015
DMA, 70 Margaret Street, London W1W 8SS


George Kidd, Chief Commissioner
David Coupe, Industry Commissioner
Martyn Percy, Independent Commissioner
Rosaleen Hubbard, Independent Commissioner
Dr Simon Davey, Independent Commissioner

In Attendance:

Suzi Higman, Secretary, DMC
Mike Lordan, Chief of Operations, DMA (in–part)
John Mitchison, DMA (in-part)


Danny Meadows-Klue had given apologies for absence.
2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 27th November 2014

The Commissioners had confirmed that the Minutes were an accurate account of their last meeting.  These had now been published on-line.

The last meeting had examined the serious issue of ‘cloning and spoofing’ telephone numbers which was leading to complaints being made against companies who were not actually making the calls but appeared to do so.  ML and JM explained the technical difficulties around stopping this practice.

At the last meeting, following concerns about a member’s business model and relationships with affiliates, GK had tested the strength of clause 4.3 in the Code which asks that members normally take responsibility for suppliers and others.  It had been agreed that the Secretariat would liaise with the DMA to ask the relevant Council their view on the Code clause in question and whether they considered it to cover responsibility for affiliates.  This had been undertaken but there had been no responses. The Commissioners agreed that they would consider the clause to cover affiliate responsibility but GK would clarify this at a DMA Board meeting later that week.

Action Point – GK to raise issue of clause 4.3 and member responsibility for affiliates at DMA Board meeting.
12. Future meeting dates 2015 – 10.30am at the DMA offices

Thursday 21 May
Tuesday 15 September
Tuesday 24 November